Another scenery 'issue' I've come across relates to trees.  In 6mm these tend to consist of little bushy or pointy things about 1" tall.  Similarly 28mm trees tend to be around 4-5" tall.

1" compared to 6mm is around 4 times the size (the same applies to 28mm trees).  So if we assume that the average 6mm / 28mm figure represents a 6' tall person, this makes all wargaming trees about 24' high. 

Now if you live in the country, or even a city, you're not going to be too far away from a tree.  So if you get the chance, bob out and see how truly massive an actual tree is. 

To help you, below is a picture showing typical tree sizes of full grown trees.

So your typical full grown oak tree is 115 feet tall - way higher than a two storey house.  In 6mm terms it would be 4.5 inches high (in essence a typical 28mm wargaming tree!).  For the 28mm gamer, you'd need to have trees about 19 inches high!!

Obviously for wargaming purposes, this would be impractical.  Where would you store them for a start.  But if realism is your thing, then it's time to break out the mammoth tree collection.  We'll try it with the next 6mm battle (although the 28mm gamers may not like the idea!).


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