
14 Oct 2020

No apologies

 I noticed that I hadn't posted since March (when Covid lockdown hit).  This co-incided with a new job, the boys coming home to stay and many other factors.  The upshot was (with wargaming put on hold) that I just stepped away from the hobby completely.  I did some online stuff playing Steel Division but we found that our router and my old PC were not up to the job (with everyone in the house - and the rest of the street being online at the same time) so I just jacked it in.  

Then I realised that - in all honesty - I would probably never look to wargame much again.  So I made the decision to sell off a large proportion of my troops to raise cash to buy a new PC and fund other fun activities.  In the end it raised about £2,000 and I still have a load to get rid of.

Logically thinking - for me - the vast majority of the troops I'd painted would never see the table again.  I could keep them in their boxes for purely sentimental reasons but they'd just end up gathering dust.  I preferred to see them pass on to people who would get pleasure from them. 

This included my extensive collection of trees and terrain which all went to good homes (and I occasionally see them pop up in the buyer's blogs and Facebook posts).  

I did invest some of the cash raised to fund both some aeronef and space fleets which I can solo game with if the need requires.  They're both genres I've been interested in playing and I'll have fun just painting them up and having a quick game when required.  

I'm sure I'll get the mojo back one day but for now its a case of taking time to sell off the remainder and put the funds into other projects.  

Which then begs the question about the blog.  I'm not going to close it down because people still visit it through Google and I hope glean some useful information from it but in terms of regular blogging about wargaming...I don't think much will happen on it in the future.

A massive thank you to all who have passed this way, commented and engaged.  I will - as the French have - say au revoir for now.


  1. Farewell! I've enjoyed reading your blog over the years and it's been inspiring to say the least. Sad to see you "shut it down" as far as the hobby goes, but it's understandable. Keep the blog active! It's ways an excellent resource for geeks. Thank you for your contribution.

  2. All the very best to you. It's been fun following your blog :)
